Commenting Policy

Well after a bit over a year of blogging I suppose its time I made up a comment policy. Nothing really serious and big but I'd rather start laying the law down now before things get out of hand later.

1. Please use a nickname - The comments aren't exactly coming in hand over fist but I'd like to not end up with myself and other posters confused by a bunch of "Guest" (aka Anonymous Cowards) nicknames posting here. So if you don't mind when commenting please add a nickname.

2. I understand that it can be easy to get heated up while talking things out especially when dealing with those you may not agree with but it is important to maintain a civil atmosphere.

3. Primer on Quoting. Take a look at this to get an idea of how to quote someone when commenting.

That is all for now but keep and eye on this as I'm sure I will be editing it as time passes.